Well, here we go.
I get asked quite often why I paint skulz and dark creatures. Why don't I paint something more positive or “happy?”
I have contemplated this question for many years. I have been drawing these dark things my whole life and it is something that comes naturally to me.

I have always felt out of place in this world. I’ve endured abuse & trauma, I’ve struggled with my own and others mental health, neurodiversity, and addiction. I have climbed out of the deepest pits and astonishingly keep climbing.

Growing up a neurodivergent kid moving around a lot, I felt pretty isolated and found comfort in my headphones and a sketchpad. Music is everything to me.

I have always found it hard to express myself in words. Instead, I make art. Dark creatures are my friends. They are me. And they are not evil. They are the fallen. The discarded. The misunderstood. The used and abused. The villain. The ignored emotions. The shamed. The spiritually lost. They are those who have been beaten into the shadows and labeled defective. They are parts of me and you. I feel a very passionate connection with those who have struggled with mental health, addiction, childhood trauma & tragedy.

I paint a lot with acrylics, but pretty much my whole life is an art project, and I will use anything I can to make something new. I have a history of graffiti and


I love Tool, heavy metal, hip-hop, and your mom so those play into my styles as well.

Recently I have been bombarded with synchronicities, reconnecting me with my personal beliefs and spirituality.

I'm an artist to my core and this is my only home.

I am DeMoC